Albert Einstein’s theory of happy living emerges

Albert Einstein’s theory of happy living emerges

In 1922, Albert Einstein was delivered a message from a bell boy. The story goes that he didn’t have a tip, so he just wrote down a theory of happiness and gave it to the young man. This artifact recently sold for $1.5 million. But the advice written on the paper – is priceless.

What he said in the message, was this:

A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the constant pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.”

Mr Special Relativity himself, arguably the smartest man who ever lived, says that a peaceful mind, and a peaceful life, is the key to happiness. This goes against many of our ideas about happiness in our society.

They constantly tell us you have to get this and get that, and strive if you want to be happy. But I will explain quickly with a metaphor why Einstein is totally correct.

Say I wanted these shoes, these new Jordans right. A lot of people like Jo, like J’s right? I craved these shoes. I needed them! I started comparing my old Nike to these J’s. I started seeing everybody with them. I was miserable. And then one day, I finally got them! And I was so happy.

Now the question is: Did the J’s make me happy, or was it the release from the craving of the J’s that made me happy? It was the release! There’s nothing in Jordans that can make you happy. We often think that it’s shoes, that awards, that accolades can make us happy. But actor Jim Carrey said that: “I wish that everybody could be rich and famous, so that they can see for themselves, that that’s not the answer”.

So let’s take note of the wisdom from the great Albert Einstein. Let’s stop and smell the roses. And try to live a calm and modest life. 

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