Business lessons from 7 Habits of Eagle

Business lessons from 7 Habits of Eagle

Eagles are a special bird, they are seen as the symbol of strength, dominating the blue sky. With sharp eyes, intelligence and willingness to face storms, the eagle has become the king of birds. Let’s learn the behaviors of eagles and reflect on valuable lessons in business and in life below!

1. Eagles fly alone at a very high altitude
As the leader of the sky, the eagle always flies alone at a very high altitude, it does not compete with small birds such as sparrows, mallards or geese. Eagles choose their own route to assert themselves, they have to be distinguished. Moreover, when choosing a private flight route, the eagle will avoid obstacles that affect its journey.

In business, too, learn to fly as high as an eagle, never imitate your opponent. If you want to be the market leader, don’t compete with anyone, but create your own market without competition.

2. Foresight and highly focused on prey

Eagles have very good eyesight. It can observe prey with a range of up to 5 km from the air. Once it detects its prey, it will stay focused until it catches the prey. Therefore, the lesson tells us that always setting a long and wide vision to cover all problems, with a foresight will help you overcome obstacles in the way of business. In addition, being consistent, always highly focused on the set goal will help you conquer the expected success quickly.

3. Eagles Never Eat Dead Meat
Eagles never eat corpses and only eat fresh things they find. In business, too, things that are existing, until one day, will be obsolete. Therefore, in business, it is necessary to constantly find new needs and new markets, and should not focus on emerging or declining markets. What we find, pursue, until we achieve the results, is much better than if we don’t have to work hard to get it. What you need to do is to always learn, improve yourself, improve quality and purify the weakness.

4. Love the storms
Eagles are not afraid of storms, but on the contrary, they use the power of the storm to raise their wings to fly higher. For eagles, storms are not an obstacle but an opportunity to fly higher, to consolidate their power in the high blue sky. What we need to learn here is that life is always full of difficulties and storms, what we need to do is not fear or avoid. We need to confront it wisely. We must turn the storm into an advantage and help us promote ourselves and our organizations.

5. Eagles always check before putting trust in others
In business or personal life, putting trust in the right place has a great influence on a happy and successful life. Therefore, you need to try before you trust when implementing strategies from small to large, to always ensure work efficiency as well as business development. Cooperation for mutual success.

6. Thorough preparation for nesting, egg laying and teaching birdie to fly
Family is the paradise that protects us. But if we are protected forever, we can’t escape the shadow of children. Therefore, we need to leave the nest, to create an independent life.
In business, too, to be successful you need to learn how to teach others or help them reach their full potential. We make conditions for them to “struggle”, because each person has a forte and get a financial talent is what a businessman needs to do.

7. Change their look to regenerate
When turning 40, the eagle’s body undergoes many changes. In this case, there are only 2 options: lying await death or going through a changing look process such as breaking the beak, breaking the nail and pulling out the hair so that those parts can regenerate. Instead of giving up, they choose to find a place far away, hide in the caves and rebuild their bodies. They hide until new feathers grow and the body is reborn. And then, they are brave again and returned to conquer the sky, chasing endless prey. Therefore, we need to recognize and give up old habits, temptations that burden us, they are unnecessary things in life. Be brave, go through tough times and then come back to life and keep going futher.

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