A new working day at PSC

A new working day at PSC

Hi all!

Wish you a happy working day at PSC!

That is the opening sentence to start a new day for us – people from the great PSC family. We give each other beatific smiles and loving energy for an exciting and productive day.

Look, they are the production team arriving 10 minutes before work to discuss today’s tasks. All stand in a circle, Mr. Dien – Production Manager has received the handover of the evening shift and is implementing each work content for the day shift. How dignified he looks! Everyone is very focused on listening to their task.

Oh! On this side is the technical team, everyone has also come and they are preparing their work area. They are chatting excitedly about funny stories about family and life. Computer screens begin to pop up and people quickly sat down at their desks. Drawings, which are detailed design drawings, product drawings, mold drawings, machining programs and other programs – relatively many components,appear with various colors. And now, everyone has already started their work.

On the other side is the Department of Planning and Human Resources. They all have arrived. Ah! That is Thuy – the adopted sister of the whole team, has boiled the water to make tea. Hot water from the kettle is poured into the teapot. A pot of fragrant tea has been brewed. Invite the whole family to enjoy! So great! The brothers and sisters come to get their cups and get back to start work. With a cup of tea in the morning, it helps you to have very effective plans and personnel work and the company apparatus to operate smoothly.

Look, the center area is the Executive room of the Board of Directors. Mr. Hanh – the company’s director also come and is very attentively checking the document left on the table by Ms. Mo – his Secretary. There’s a lot to deal with today. But as usual, before starting work, he will go around to check and greet his employees a little, see how the production situation is, ask if the product quality is guaranteed although he still received daily reports for this. He always takes time to care about the work and life of the company’s employees. Because of this, he has recruited and retained many enthusiastic people to accompany PSC. All of us always work together towards the mutual goal of the organization, which is customer satisfaction and business development associated with social reponsibility.
Go outside, through the courtyard in front of the processing workshop, turn right, it’s the carbon product factory. Here, the workers are also hard at work to keep up with the project schedule with the customer. Mr. Ha – Workshop manager is supervising the implementation stages. Each stage requires meticulousness and care. Due to make quality carbon products, it requires very precise manipulations about the position and pressure of the surface.

And a new day begins like that in the PSC house.

Everyone work hard and the sun rises higher.

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