Exchange Talkshow between PSCTECH and Ly Thai To College’s Students

Exchange Talkshow between PSCTECH and Ly Thai To College’s Students

On the morning of October 20, at Ly Thai To College, Mr. Vu Van Hanh – Director of PSCTECH Vietnam Precision Mechanics Co., Ltd. participated in an exchange and sharing session to create learning motivation for the freshers of Ly Thai To.

This is a meaningful activity to help freshers have the opportunity to understand more about the major they are applying for, as well as equip them with some valuable practical knowledge and skills to start a new school year.
During the talk, Mr. Hanh shared the process of nurturing his dream of starting a business, his experiences of studying, working and succeeding from his business activities. At the same time, it also inspired students with the fire of passion, aspiration, and the pursuit of dreams from the very beginning of university.


The program took place with enthusiasm with participation of more than 200 students and teachers of Ly Thai To College. Through the show, new students gain more practical knowledge, receive advice, answer questions and learn from business owners’ experience in setting up a business.
From there, they get the most objective and honest view of your future career field, and also determine the motivation, purpose and serious attitude to study right from the beginning to meet the real requirements in reality after graduating from school. After graduating, students not only need to have enough professional skills but also need more soft skills and professional skills to confidently pursue their own career dreams.

Also during the talk, the representatives of PSCTECH and the school re-emphasized the cooperation commitment between the two parties on practical internship opportunities at the firm, on teaching support, research practice and human resource training. Skilled and skilled workforce to meet production needs.

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