On September 14, 2016, with the approval of the Department of Planning and Investment, PSCTECH VIETNAM PRECISION MECHANICAL CO., LTD was officially established. After 5 years of establishment and development, PSCTECH has increasingly affirmed our position and reputation in the field of mechanical engineering.

“Give up your comfort zone, go beyond your limits”.

Nurturing the dream of business creation since he was a student at the university, Mr. Vu Van Hanh – the current director of PSCTECH VIETNAM PRECISION MECHANICAL CO., LTD, is the one laying the foundation for the development of PCSTECH.

After graduating from university and being kept for teaching at the university, he continued to study abroad for his major and chose to return to Viet Nam to work and gain experience in the field of mechanical engineering.

However, he gave up a job with a stable income to pursue the dream of his own business creation, it was not an easy decision for both himself and his companions. With the production platform area of just more than a hundred square meters and the support of few associates, a lot of difficulties and challenges have been posed in terms of capital, human resources, machine technology, product output market…. If you did not have enough courage and faith to maintain, perhaps that journey would not have reached the milestone today.

Build – Develop, the result of endless efforts

Despite experiencing many difficulties since the early days of establishment, PSCTECH is still consistent with the goal of conquering Science – Technology, with the mission of becoming an enterprise having an ecosystem of mechanical technology, bringing to market good products and bringing satisfaction to customers. Therefore, each PSCTECH officer and employee is always imbued with the idea of “Taking technology as a guide like for the goal and motivation of development every day”.

With advanced and modern technology, with a team of experienced and professional design engineers, the company’s production and business activities are growing day by day with a constantly strong revenue each year. The organizational structure with a full range of departments: business, engineering, research and development, administration – human resources and accounting, all works together effectively. PSCTECH is increasingly receiving the support, satisfaction and trust from partners and customers.

5 years is not a long time, but it is an important milestone to lay the foundation for sustainable development in the future. 5 years to both lay the foundation and gradually assemble small bricks to build a business that can stand firmly in the market. Non-stop efforts for the trust of customers, efforts for the reputation of the business, for the people who always take the development of the business as a goal to strive, those all are the throughout motto of PSCTECH.

The more society develops, the more mechanical enterprises have to race to master Science – Technology. PSCTECH aims to increase the production value of the mechanical industry, successfully build the image of a business not only standing firmly in the domestic market but also reaching out strongly to the international market.

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