PSC joins hands with community to overcome Covid-19 pandemic

PSC joins hands with community to overcome Covid-19 pandemic

On the morning of August 21, 2021, in collaboration with Long Bien District Youth Union and MB Bank, Ngo Gia Tu branch, PSCTECH Viet Nam accompanied Industry Joint stock company KAM and Bao Linh Technical Materials Trading Co., Ltd organized to give some gifts to families getting in difficulty due to the covid-19 epidemic in Long Bien.

Currently, the epidemic situation is still spreading and more and more complicated across the country. Ha Noi, in the days of social distancing under Directive 16 for the second time, seems not to have the signal of decline in the number of people getting Covid-19, and the difficult are piling up. The spirit of Government is “No one is left behind”, sharing love, joining hands to support Vietnamese citizens to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. PSCTECH managerial staff and employees always realize our roles and responsibilities in concerted efforts to fight Covid-19 together with our Party and the whole population.

In this activity, 180 gift packs were given away to children and families seriously affected by Covid-19 in the district. Each pack include rice, instant noodles, cooking oil, etc.

Before that, in June 2021, Bac Ninh province, where PSC’s headquarters is located, broke out the Covid-19 epidemic with the number of cased up to several hundred people a day. In addition to strictly complying with the epidemic prevention and control regulations on production, on the afternoon of June 5,2021, PSC also launched a movement todonate, support and buy some items to support the police and medical forces in the frontline of fighting against Covid-19.

All in all, PSCTECH hopes that the epidemic situation will soon improve not only in Viet Nam but also in the world and the people’s lives can soon comeback as normal, businesses will soon restore the stability in production and business activities.

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