Vietnam-Francophone High-level Economic Forum

Vietnam-Francophone High-level Economic Forum

Vietnam-Francophone High-level Economic Forum

On March 24 and 25, at Melia Hotel, the Vietnam – Francophone High-Level Trade Forum took place smoothly with the participation of more than 200 large and small domestic and foreign enterprises. This is an event held within the framework of the official visit to Vietnam by Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary-General of the Organization of Francophonie International (OIF). The forum is jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the OIF.

The conference aimed to create a closed production-consumption supply chain spanning Africa, Vietnam, Europe, and North America in a variety of industries where member countries have strengths and demands. Some African countries could become a source of raw materials for some of Vietnam’s export industries, which are aimed at European and North American markets.

Organization of the International Francophonie (OIF)

The International Organization of Francophonie (OIF), which includes Vietnam, is a group of 88 states and governments. The Francophone economic space has a lot of potential for expanding economic cooperation, especially in the context that all member countries are working hard to recover and develop their economies.

PSC attends Vietnam – Francophone Forum

Grasping the policy of supporting cooperation for Vietnamese enterprises, PSC Technology and Industry Joint Stock Company has seized the opportunity to connect and build relationships with domestic and international enterprises. Through the Forum, PSC has come closer to the latter entry into the global market. At the same time, PSC will also make more efforts in joining the global supply chain, fulfilling the set mission.

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