Revolution of New Material – Carbon Composite

Revolution of New Material – Carbon Composite

  • Description


What is composite material?

A composite material is a combination of two materials with different physical and chemical properties. When they are combined they create a material which is specialised to do a certain job, for instance to become stronger, lighter or resistant to electricity. They can also improve strength and stiffness. The reason for their use over traditional materials is because they improve the properties of their base materials and are applicable in many situations.

Composite materials include matrix and reinforcement materials. The matrix material ensures the bonding of the reinforcements together, giving the multi-component material a monolithic, continuous, ensuring the composite’s thermal stability, chemical stability and tolerance when the material has defects. The matrix of the composite can be polymers, metals and alloys, ceramic or carbon (carbon). The reinforcement material ensures that the composite has high elastic modulus and high mechanical strength. The reinforcement of the composite can be short particles, powder, or reinforced fibers such as glass fiber, polymer fiber, ceramic fiber, metal fiber and carbon-carbon fiber, etc.

About Carbon fiber composite

Carbon fiber composite is a fiber containing at least 90% carbon atoms that is strictly controlled during the pyrolysis of the starting material. Diamond, charcoal, activated carbon, graphite (graphite) and carbon fiber are all made up of carbon atoms. Diamond is the hardest and most durable material while graphite is soft and smooth. This difference is due to their different crystal structures… Diamond has a 3-D carbon structure, carbon fiber has a 2-D network structure with carbon elements arranged in an orderly arrangement and entwined with each other.

Advantages of carbon composite materials:

  • High tensile strength, 10 -15 times higher than steel tensile strength.
  • Light and versatile.
  • Suitable for different structural shapes.
  • Reinforce structures subjected to bending, shear and compression.
  • Quick and easy installation, without affecting the architecture of the building.
  • Durable with time and in chemical environment.
  • Easy to calculate and check again with software provided by the manufacturer.

Disadvantages of carbon composite materials:

  • This is the source of materials from the foreign market, Vietnam does not have a manufacturing company.
  • Before carrying out the renovation, a construction estimate must be made to plan the supply of materials for the work.

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